Two years ago on February 8, 2008, we walked out of the doors of baby home #3 in Novosibirsk, Russia with Bryson Aleksandr in our arms. As I sat here going through all the pictures from both trips, it brought back so many memories and feelings. On one hand I was scared because I just became the mother of a 15 month old in the blink of an eye, but on the other hand, this was the moment I had been waiting for so long. I was actually a mother. To me, the gift of being a mother is the greatest gift I could have ever asked for. We were truly blessed to have such an amazing little boy enter our lives and change it forever. I almost can't remember what life was like before Bryson came along. I now know why we had to go through that long, hard path of infertility that eventually led us on the road to adoption. It's because our son was in a crib in baby home #3 waiting patiently for us to arrive. When I watched Dr. Drew interview the girls on Teen Mom last week, he said that there is no love in the world like the love a mother has for her child. It immediately brought me to tears because it's so true. I didn't know it was possible to love another person the way I love Bryson.
When Bryson woke up this morning, we gave him his newest Nesting doll, Bob the Builder and he proudly added it to the shelf of others. After work, we took him to get ice cream and told him many times it was his "Gotcha Day." Then on the car ride home he told us "my gotcha day." Yes, I almost cried again. Motherhood has made a very sensitive and emotional person.
1st trip:
2nd trip:
To watch Bryson change and grow every single day has been both amazing and such a blessing. He went from this serious little baby to this little boy that is almost always seen laughing or smiling. He has so much personality and spunk. I can't wait to see what the futures hold for him! Regardless what his path is, you will always find me by his side. I will forever be his biggest fan!
Life has gotten busy for us and I just don't feel like I can keep up with this blog anymore. I have been waiting for his gotcha day to post our final post. Thanks to everyone who always followed and commented on the posts. I have made some wonderful and life-long friends through this journey.